Best Options for Web Design in Kenya

One question most businesses that need a website ask is how to get a great website. Now Web Design in Kenya offers quite a number of options. If you are wondering how you will set up your website, then this article is made for you.
The Platforms available for creating great web design in Kenya.
First things first, a website can be created in a couple of ways. Most are familiar with hiring a developer but there are other notable methods. The first is the easiest way to do it, suitable for people with no Web Design or tech knowledge.
DIY Website Builder
As the name ‘Do It Yourself’ suggests, you get to build your own website using freely available templates. All you do is simply select what you want and place it on your site.
Companies like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly offer this service. The advantages are that this is easy to create and takes a couple of minutes to set up. You have to pay a monthly fee, not for hosting but for using their platform to build the website.
Customizing is a big challenge as you have to work around the tools already available for certain selected features. If you are looking for a quick, simple, and appealing design, this is the tool for you. Cost greatly depends on your needs, if you need to scale up a thing or two in the future then it will be very costly.
Customized Open Source CMS
Most players on the Web Design in Kenya team have ventured here. A CMS is a content management system app that allows multiple contributors to manage a website. Things like creating, editing, and publishing are made much easier without having to go through the back-end code to make changes.
It provides a dashboard much like a Social Media one where you can create new content, edit, delete publish and share.WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla are major examples of these customizable open source templates. Customized Content Management Systems have several advantages.
They are super flexible with many plugins and themes available. Customized open source CMS platforms stand out in terms of user-friendliness. With simple training guides, they can be administered by any person in the company without the need for IT knowledge. The downside is that they need regular maintenance to avert security issues.
They may prove to be cheaper in the long run as they are customized to meet the specific needs of your business. Customized open source CMS is a specialty at Ace Solution Africa.
Research also shows that WordPress-themed sites rank higher on Search Engines. Free training is offered after completion on basic features and tools on the dashboard. This ensures you are able to comfortably manage your own website.
Custom Website Built on Framework
Last but not least are websites that lie in this category. Web devs are hired to build websites from scratch with no template. Unlike the Open Source CMS systems created with the likes of WordPress and Joomla, the CMS in this particular instance is canned.
With a specific customized Content Management System, the specific needs of the business are met. Programming languages like PHP are used to make a customized system that will serve the most business-specific needs of the organization.
Disadvantages of Framework-based Websites
This requires extensive knowledge in programming knowledge and it takes a longer time and is the most expensive of the three types of websites. One thing to note is that you should remember to have a Custom CMS system created, otherwise you will have to edit, publish or manage content from the developer’s code.
This is probably the biggest nightmare because you’ve technically given the DEV total control over your website while you have none. These are the three major types of websites that make up Web Design in Kenya and around the globe.
Before you choose the method you’ll use to create your site, please do extensive research on the benefits and drawbacks of your site and compare them with your needs, end

It’s 2021, most businesses are online and so are key players in the hotel and hospitality sector. A hotel stands to gain a lot from having a website. Well just in case you are looking for good Hotel Website Developers in Kenya, come our way. These are some of the benefits your Hotel stands to gain from a good website.
Importance of a Responsive Website for Your Hotel
Direct Sales
We understand that you are not just pouring in your resources to a hotel website developer just to keep up with the times. Top on your priorities is to up the sales made by encouraging direct sales through the website.
Now websites that make use of certain features on web platforms are able to influence more online bookings. A great website should be able to attract the attention of a user and intrigue them by giving them a glimpse of what they are missing out on if they haven’t visited you yet.
The first source of Information
When someone hears about any business, they first Google it online. Your website is the first reception desk for your business. Clients are able to know more about the services you offer with the click of a button. It’s timely and hustle-free as compared to writing emails or making physical EMAIL inquiries. Sometimes clients just want to know about your services without been pressured to purchase.
A website will offer that much-needed luxury to the client. Receptionists and sales team leaders are just human and sometimes clients don’t find them kind enough or easy to talk to. A website is better at making good first-time impressions. You have all the time to put your best foot forward by coming up with creative copy that will best talk to the client.
Brand Image Creation
One of the best ways to establish brand awareness is through having a website. This will distinguish you from other competitors through the use of unique attributes like page layout and blog content available. The unique presentation of services on the site will give the user an unparalleled experience that they won’t find on most sites.
These are some of the key benefits of having a website, now let’s take a look at why hiring competent web developers will be of importance.
Reason Why You Need Good Hotel Website Developers
The biggest trends in hotel web development answer this question. You need features that will help you have a competitive edge over other businesses. You need to look at hotel website developers that are in sync with current market trends and needs.
Direct Booking Engine
That simple Book Now button can be the game-changer. Having a load of information without giving the client an option to directly purchase your service is a waste of effort. You need to go the extra mile from just making a call to action and a button like this helps a lot. A client can book a tour and even pay a booking fee upfront. It gives enough time to plan for their stay since you already know who they are and what they need.
Quick Load Time
It’s more of a necessity really for any website but Hotel sites need it a lot. High-quality images and videos are shared on such sites, most of which are quite chunky and slow down the processing speed. With online users having a variety of sites at their disposal, attention span is quickly reducing.
Most people rush through websites and quickly switch back to the search results if your website takes too long to load. Experienced website developers have this in mind and hence e reduce the number of plugins, redirects and compress large pictures. It’s also worth noting that hosting videos on YouTube and embedding the URL link saves a lot of processing time that it takes to load pages with large video files.
Highly Responsive Design
It May sound like a cliché but the user experience will determine if the client wants to stay longer on your site. Our hotel website developers will create a website that suits every device used to browse. From mobile gadgets like smartphones and tablets to Desktop computers and laptops. All screen sizes are considered here. Ace Solution Africa makes sure you look just as good across all devices.
Hope you have enough to consider getting a hotel website creator to take up your project. We have over 5 years of experience in Hotel web design and marketing. Your needs are well understood.

Play smart like Amazon and Alibaba
Know you are probably searching for Ecommerce Website Design Packages. If not, here is why you should. Ecommerce is a force to reckon with in our times. It is taking over the retail and gig industry. Top online shops like Amazon, Alibaba, Jumia, and our very own Jiji run the online sales space.
On the other hand, service-oriented platforms like Up Work, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer premium access to professional services. This is the best time to take advantage of the E-commerce wave as statistics only favor the growth and expansion of the industry in the coming years.
Apart from creating relatable brand awareness online getting an e-commerce website will help you make more sales. This is the major reason why many businesses are scrambling to get the best Ecommerce Website Design packages deal. Well, let’s take a look at the priority features that you should look for in a website. This will help you know which package is offering the best value at a good price.
Top Features in a good Ecommerce Website Design package
This is the most important feature to look for in a website design package. The most fabulous website won’t count for much if it isn’t optimized and doesn’t get good traffic. It’s like having the best services in town and a poor marketing strategy, no one will ever get to visit your shop anyway.
Adaptive Design
Now Responsive design might be getting the most buzz but adaptive design is the real deal. Responsive design changes the size of the browser window so that the information can re-arrange itself to fit in the available space.
Adaptive design on the other hand has several fixed-layout designs and picks the most appropriate customized one after detecting the screen size available. This means that the layout looks pretty much as good on a phone as it would on a laptop. Responsive design can look unappealing on some smaller screens when it looks congested.
Easy Product Navigation
Imagine your online shop as a physical store across the street. You would want it to have the products laid out in an easy-to-access way. Ecommerce sites need even more precision when it comes to ease of product navigation. The space is much smaller hence there is a higher risk of cluttering. Make the products easily accessible by making use of a smooth uncluttered interface.
Search Box
Ahaaa, you got it right if you had this on your list already. The search engine is the heart and soul of a website hence a must-have feature in Ecommerce Website Design Packages. Navigation is made much easier through the search button. This button should strategically be placed to save time for the client as they rush through the pages to find what they specifically need.
Shopping Cart
Well it isn’t an e-commerce website if it doesn’t have a shopping cart, is it? This button enables the shopper to know the total value of the products purchased and the delivery costs. It also enables the shopper to change or add to their list.
Payment Integration
Now this enables you to suggest the means of purchase available for the shopper after checkout. It is always good to have a direct integration that takes the user to their preferred payment dealer’s page. Having multiple payment options is a big plus. You want to be inclusive as possible.
There you go, these are the top features you should look out for in any Ecommerce Website Design packages. Make sure you get value for your money by checking out our very own web design packages. You get all these and more services at the most competitive rates in town.

Just before you settle on who you want to hire for your project, you ought to first know what you require from a web designer. You need to note the major objectives you require the website to achieve. Any investment made by a business is solely for the purpose of bringing some value back to the business. With that said, it is important to know what you need your site to achieve for you before you splash that income.
Objectives That Guide Your List of Web Design Companies in Kenya
We’ve sampled some of the most important goals that a good website should meet for your business. Ranging from the generic ones that apply to most business to the more specific ones. Here’s a low-down of what you should consider as you arrive to a list of web design companies to consider.
Creating Brand Awareness
Having a website should help you make your brand more visible online. Take the internet as some digital planet and your business as a location on the same. Your website is your address on this newfound planet, you simply don’t exist digitally if you have no presence online. That been said, to get more people to visit you and know about what you have to offer, you need a website.
Informational Resource Center
Websites serve as the first go to source of information that comes to clients first when they are doing research. This is where you take advantage on good content and leverage on SEO. Your website might be the first one that pops out when someone clicks search on Google.
Creating industry related content that seeks to offer solutions to some commonly asked questions. A website not only relays communication concerning the businesses service or product, it is also a tool for inspiration and education.
Generating more leads and converting them
Alright, this is probably the most important goal for a business website. Getting more leads is made easier by utilizing forms and other tools that capture visitor data. This information can be used by the sales team for follow up on prospective clients.
Conversion rates are much higher when you make tailor made content that suits the client’s needs. Pitching and advertising is made easier by setting up good content that sways the visitor’s opinion towards trying out your service or product.
Specific Industry related Needs
Now according to what specific service you offer, you’ll require the designer to come up with a layout that helps you meet your business objectives. On the dashboard, for example, you might need a Portfolio section if you are a freelancer, this won’t be necessary for a person who sells merchandise like cars. Different business will have specific bespoke need. Look at what competitors are doing and find out if it’s effective before you settle on all the features for your website.
Now that you have discovered what you really need, it will help you narrow down your list of web design companies in Kenya.
It’s time to look into specific web designing companies’ portfolios. Check whether they have worked with businesses in your industry. This will help you get to know whether they understand specific industry requirements for businesses in a certain profession or market segment. Testimonials from previous clients help you gauge the ease of doing business with this designer and the ability to deliver.
Getting a developer that can deliver good quality in good time is not easy to come by so this might be the determining factor on who you go with. Creating a list of web designers in Kenya to choose your preferred developer isn’t as hard as it seems.
When you’ve narrowed down to a few, it is good to call all of them up or send similar emails to gauge their understanding of your project. Finally settle on your last two and make physical visits to their offices if need be.
This helps you to meet the team that will be working on your project and get a feel of their ability to deliver. With all that behind you, it is safe to say that you have created your perfect list of web design companies in Kenya and chose what worked best for you.
Good luck in your search, remember to have one Ace Solution Africa on your list though, you won’t be disappointed.

The importance of having great web design on your website is evident. We take a look at some of the leading features that are a must-have on your website. These features are standard marks for well-designed websites.
Top Web Design Features You Ought to have.
Minimalistic Layout
Now if you observe most posters or flyers for big brands, they tend to be simple with well-structured information. Cluttered spaces are a big headache to look at, it gives a sense of lack of organization. In minimalistic design, irrelevant information is omitted.
Your focus is to shed the light on the most important areas. Every element is put there for a reason including the Dropdown menu buttons. Only what the clients for your specific business requirements should be on the dashboard
User-Friendly Navigation
Seamless movement from one part of the website to another is a big plus. Visitors should be able to get from one page to another with ease. You don’t want to frustrate your client with endless requests for forms to resubmit to the previous page. Like a well-built house, one should be able to get from the lounge (Home Page) to the bedroom, dining area, or kitchen with ease and vice versa.
Color Scheme
Interestingly, people make more than 90% of their assessment of a product based on color? This is an important feature that helps you distinguish your brand online.
The colors used in the logo or letterhead should also be used on the website. This helps to establish a unique representation of the brand that is also in sync with other business elements.
Certain colors evoke certain emotions, so if you want to associate your business with a certain virtue, then the choice of color will speak volumes. Red signifies a need for attention and therefore should is used on notification alerts. Blue signifies trust while black stands for quality.
Fonts and Typography
Notice how web design relies heavily on graphics and Design? Having a developer who is experienced in graphics is of great significance. Your font should be easily readable and should not clash with your background color. Another guide to what font you should use is your target audience.
If you have events pages for entertainment shows then you ought to go for funky, exciting fonts. More official businesses require a laid-back official kind of font. The most important topics should have a larger font and the size decreases as the hierarchy of importance decreases.
Inclusivity is the biggest marketing trend of the 21st century. If your business doesn’t offer inclusive solutions, then you stand to lose a lot. A website should be friendly to everyone including those with disabilities. Consider using a design that doesn’t strain one’s sight and any other physical need.
Scrolling bars are the most notorious culprits. Create highly responsive bars that are easy to operate. Generally have a design that would favor a person with a disability. You may consider audio data inputs and assistants if you have the budget.
All said and done, there are some very important web design features that a modern website should not lack. Contact the Web Design Experts today.

Did you know that 38% of visitors will leave a site if the design isn’t appealing? Web design refers to the appearance and layout of a website that a user interacts with. Front-end developers are best equipped to deal with this Graphical User Interface.
The whole user experience majorly relies on a good website design. Designs that are simple and minimal work best, as they say, less is more. These are the reasons why you need to insist on getting a good design from a developer.
Why Good Web design is a must for your Business
Search Engine Optimization Ranking
Web design also includes how you publish your content on the website. Following basic publishing rules like having a Keyword and easy-to-read text go a long way in making a website SEO friendly. Sites that follow these SEO publishing rules generally rank higher. This is because Search Engine Bots mimic the user experience while ranking sites.
If several visitors leave a few seconds later due to an unfriendly text layout, the bots lower the website’s ranking. Search Engine Bots work like good friends who refer other friends (second batch) to certain places based on the experience that they’ve observed from the first batch of friends who visited the place. This also makes it easier for web crawlers to access your website faster and index it favorably.
Leaves a Good First Impression
We honestly won’t get tired of repeating this. Websites determine what opinion a client makes of you. When clients get to know about a certain business, they always head to Google the name first to know more. What happens when they get there determines whether they will want to continue doing business with you.
Imagine a scenario where a client gets to the website and has to wait for ages before pages load. They will automatically leave to get back to the search results where they click on a competitor’s site.
A good design makes a visitor feel that they are dealing with a professional and trustworthy business. You have to be careful with the web design since it has a major effect on your brand’s credibility.
Aids in Customer Relations
Let’s be honest, everybody claims they are customer-oriented and give priority to customer service. Well, that might not always be true and smart clients can tell. Clients don’t want you to say it, they need you to prove it. This is what really sets you apart from a hundred other competitors.
To build trust you’ve got to show that you are making strides in ensuring the client has the best customer experience. Having a Website is the first step. Would you prefer a client drive for over an hour to your store for an issue that could have been resolved online within minutes? Now that you already have a website, it’s time to give the client warm hospitality.
Having poor web design like difficult to access and cluttered information is similar to having no ramps in your store to aid mobility for those with wheelchairs. It shows that you don’t care that much about the customer experience and hence care little about providing solutions. Your site is the first customer care agent clients interact with. How it serves them determines if the client will make a purchase.
These are the major reasons why you should really consider getting your web design right by choosing an experienced, customer centric developer like Ace Solution Africa. We pride ourselves in being part of the success stories of our business partners and clients.