The importance of having great web design on your website is evident. We take a look at some of the leading features that are a must-have on your website. These features are standard marks for well-designed websites.
Top Web Design Features You Ought to have.
Minimalistic Layout
Now if you observe most posters or flyers for big brands, they tend to be simple with well-structured information. Cluttered spaces are a big headache to look at, it gives a sense of lack of organization. In minimalistic design, irrelevant information is omitted.
Your focus is to shed the light on the most important areas. Every element is put there for a reason including the Dropdown menu buttons. Only what the clients for your specific business requirements should be on the dashboard
User-Friendly Navigation
Seamless movement from one part of the website to another is a big plus. Visitors should be able to get from one page to another with ease. You don’t want to frustrate your client with endless requests for forms to resubmit to the previous page. Like a well-built house, one should be able to get from the lounge (Home Page) to the bedroom, dining area, or kitchen with ease and vice versa.
Color Scheme
Interestingly, people make more than 90% of their assessment of a product based on color? This is an important feature that helps you distinguish your brand online.
The colors used in the logo or letterhead should also be used on the website. This helps to establish a unique representation of the brand that is also in sync with other business elements.
Certain colors evoke certain emotions, so if you want to associate your business with a certain virtue, then the choice of color will speak volumes. Red signifies a need for attention and therefore should is used on notification alerts. Blue signifies trust while black stands for quality.
Fonts and Typography
Notice how web design relies heavily on graphics and Design? Having a developer who is experienced in graphics is of great significance. Your font should be easily readable and should not clash with your background color. Another guide to what font you should use is your target audience.
If you have events pages for entertainment shows then you ought to go for funky, exciting fonts. More official businesses require a laid-back official kind of font. The most important topics should have a larger font and the size decreases as the hierarchy of importance decreases.
Inclusivity is the biggest marketing trend of the 21st century. If your business doesn’t offer inclusive solutions, then you stand to lose a lot. A website should be friendly to everyone including those with disabilities. Consider using a design that doesn’t strain one’s sight and any other physical need.
Scrolling bars are the most notorious culprits. Create highly responsive bars that are easy to operate. Generally have a design that would favor a person with a disability. You may consider audio data inputs and assistants if you have the budget.
All said and done, there are some very important web design features that a modern website should not lack. Contact the Web Design Experts today.

Did you know that 38% of visitors will leave a site if the design isn’t appealing? Web design refers to the appearance and layout of a website that a user interacts with. Front-end developers are best equipped to deal with this Graphical User Interface.
The whole user experience majorly relies on a good website design. Designs that are simple and minimal work best, as they say, less is more. These are the reasons why you need to insist on getting a good design from a developer.
Why Good Web design is a must for your Business
Search Engine Optimization Ranking
Web design also includes how you publish your content on the website. Following basic publishing rules like having a Keyword and easy-to-read text go a long way in making a website SEO friendly. Sites that follow these SEO publishing rules generally rank higher. This is because Search Engine Bots mimic the user experience while ranking sites.
If several visitors leave a few seconds later due to an unfriendly text layout, the bots lower the website’s ranking. Search Engine Bots work like good friends who refer other friends (second batch) to certain places based on the experience that they’ve observed from the first batch of friends who visited the place. This also makes it easier for web crawlers to access your website faster and index it favorably.
Leaves a Good First Impression
We honestly won’t get tired of repeating this. Websites determine what opinion a client makes of you. When clients get to know about a certain business, they always head to Google the name first to know more. What happens when they get there determines whether they will want to continue doing business with you.
Imagine a scenario where a client gets to the website and has to wait for ages before pages load. They will automatically leave to get back to the search results where they click on a competitor’s site.
A good design makes a visitor feel that they are dealing with a professional and trustworthy business. You have to be careful with the web design since it has a major effect on your brand’s credibility.
Aids in Customer Relations
Let’s be honest, everybody claims they are customer-oriented and give priority to customer service. Well, that might not always be true and smart clients can tell. Clients don’t want you to say it, they need you to prove it. This is what really sets you apart from a hundred other competitors.
To build trust you’ve got to show that you are making strides in ensuring the client has the best customer experience. Having a Website is the first step. Would you prefer a client drive for over an hour to your store for an issue that could have been resolved online within minutes? Now that you already have a website, it’s time to give the client warm hospitality.
Having poor web design like difficult to access and cluttered information is similar to having no ramps in your store to aid mobility for those with wheelchairs. It shows that you don’t care that much about the customer experience and hence care little about providing solutions. Your site is the first customer care agent clients interact with. How it serves them determines if the client will make a purchase.
These are the major reasons why you should really consider getting your web design right by choosing an experienced, customer centric developer like Ace Solution Africa. We pride ourselves in being part of the success stories of our business partners and clients.