Lets Build Your Social Media Brand

Increasing brand awareness, getting new clients and boosting customer engagement is what our Social Media Service aims to achieve for you.

Social media is the newest and fastest-growing marketing trend and when utilized, has been known to raise profit margins for Brands. We help you manage your business social accounts, track activities from the social accounts, get reports of every activity happening (inquiries, queries) – all under one platform.

Benefits Of Our Service

Boost Social Presence

We help you acquire genuine fans and followers to help build strong brand image.

Improve Reach

Capture your audience’s attention with engaging content and images.

Great Content

Get a great team of writers- with vast social media knowledge- who will tailor unique content for you and your target audience.

Get More Reviews

We work hard to ensure more positive reviews and increase conversions.


We provide in-depth insights and analytics for you to always stay updated.

Social Media Optimization (SMO) can help you get same or improved results when compared to SEO in the same time frame. SMO helps increase your business website traffic very quickly because Social Media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+ have very huge traffic.

Our Social Media Work

social media marketing in kenya

Ace Solution Africa Ltd can use its expertise to help you select the best social media websites and get more business from them.

Our Social Media Work Includes But Not Limited To

  • Social Account Creation/ Management 
  • Social Artwork – Cover/ Header images, Social Content Writing
  • Content Posting – Updating Posts, Editorial Calendar
  • Building Audience – Increase in Likes, Increase in followers, Follow relevant people/Add to Circle, Retweet/Favourites, Respond to Comments and Replies, Use of relevant #tags, Participating in Trending Topics, Custom Pinboard, Pin Images (Images Provided by Client), Repins, Follow relevant Pinners / Pinboards and many more
  • Ads Management – setup the campaign to target specific demographics, put in place your daily or monthly spending budgets, establish up to (05) unique ads for the campaign, monitor and maintain the campaign as it runs, work with you on tracking conversions and results, etc

Overview Of Our Social Media Work

Social Media Errors And How To Overcome Them

Not developing a perfect social media marketing strategy.

Before you begin social media campaign, you need to do an extensive research with your team to come up with a strategy that you will use. Do comparison on all marketing campaign you have done before and come up with something that will work for you.

Not coming up with interactive content

Your content should be interactive and attractive. Coming up with a flat content is the worst thing you can do. You need to know your target audience and come up with compelling content that will force your audience to read

Not responding to your customers comments and queries

You need to monitor the activities on your social media sites. You need to interact with your clients and address their concerns so as to keep them coming. This will make your clients to have trust in your products and develop confidence in you


You need to come up with a perfect schedule for posting. Your followers must know the exact time they will see your posts so as not to miss any news from your company. This will help you to grow your followers and retain the previous ones. You should follow up on the previous post comments and interact with them before posting a new one. This will make your followers to come back for more.

Use of poor photos

As you know a picture is worth a thousand words, you need to use quality photos. Using poor quality photos to target your audience will make them have negative attitude towards your products. You need to hire graphic designers who can design quality photos to use on your social media sites so as to survive in the market.